
“I meditate when I run.” “My gardening is my meditation practice.” OK, cool.  My take and experience is movement has the capacity to absorb the mind. Rhythmic movement in particular can be both restorative physically and meditative. The power this has to absorb the mind can also be an escape (and has been for me...
Sometimes people are afraid to embrace the Yin and work on down-regulation and stress reduction through nutrition, breathing and lifestyle/training methods. The other side, the Yang – the “work” is cut out for them since beginning school. The repetition of the yang over decades leads to a way of living, a conditioning. The Yin is...
Many times we look at a developing a particular habit in a Newtonian fashion. Ones and zeros. I want to exercise 3 times per week I am going to go to 2 yoga classes this week I am going to run 5 times per week and train for a half marathon I want to write...
We enjoy a program, we love to “do.” What did you do over the weekend? What did you do last night? What are you going to do? Even when we look at the polar opposite of doing, such as meditation, we still prefer to refer to it as a “practice” or a do.  There is...
Let’s look at some potential implications from habit shifts or routine changes made from the top down. This means we look at the brain or mind itself, as it governs (consciously or unconsciously) almost everything else we do.  A practice of meditation or mindfulness training has been shown to increase grey matter thickness and cortical...
A lot of times, when we talk about meditation, the thought of sitting still can drive people insane. Meditation need not always be a sitting practice of course, but there are unique aspects to sitting that are not usually available in all other forms. For a lot of people (I’ve found with younger men in...
There has been a lot of talk about the morning routine. Here’s the thing, before we look at productivity and “focus” hacks, we need to consider what’s happening physiologically. According to Ray Peat, PhD and others, darkness itself is a stressor (sleep is somewhat protective, we slow our breathing rate) – when we wake, cortisol...
What is the role of a stillness practice? How can meditation or breath work help? I’ve created a video for you where I outline four key ways it has helped me, you can check it out [here.] Also, I am in the early stages of launching an exciting new program focused around  developing your own...
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