
Stress – not necessarily a negative. It occurs when the physiological load on the system is beyond the resources that are available to deal with it. The load though, can come from any direction. This is how people get stuck, as a source of stress can exist where they are not aware. Then we have...
Attention is a limited commodity*. The ability to focus on one task is (it seems) becoming increasingly rare.  Whether this is when you meet with someone to connect, or in training or a physical pursuit. However, we know attention is powerful. It makes connection possible, allows us to develop skills and maintain direction. So, to get...
Well, change itself is essential. It is a given, in fact the only given. Everything is in flux So, the negotiable part then is “Creating.“ Are you creating? Value? Impact? Positive influence? People sometimes ask about meditation and training: “I can’t afford to get that time away for myself” – here’s the thing. Ultimately, it’s...
Ideally, a gym membership option would have a minimum term of three-five years. A lifetime membership option should be available. The long road is always, always… always, the best option. Currently, we have a new concept in the health industry, known as “bio-hacking.” This might include the entire Bulletproof Coffee movement, much of the “fasting” movement and...
“Writer’s Block” – The idea that we have sudden, unexpected blocks in our creativity.  We lose the ability to write, or on a larger scale, create. Author Steven Pressfield debunks this in his book “The War of Art.”  Marketing extraordinaire Seth Godin also opposes this. They claim that it really is just an excuse to...
Body temperature, metabolism and cellular respiration all have important links to longevity and also body composition. We can likely use body temperature (alongside pulse) as an indicator of metabolic health. Stress, while having the ability to raise body temperature (through increasing cortisol, adrenaline and catabolic activity in the body) has a negative impact on both...
“Chaos should be regarded as very good news.” ‒ Trungpa Rinpoche It seems we expect order. We give a linear effort, with our work, training, nutrition and expect an upwards trajectory as long as we maintain this effort. Positive input leads to positive output. Makes sense… in a mechanistic world. The weather, nature, the trees, our bodies...
Recently I spoke with a group about meditation. We talked about the reasons behind creating a daily practice and the importance of designing a habit around this. Meditation, like mobility work or writing in a journal, has some element of reward at the beginning, but relative to the effort it takes at first, this is...
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