
Language allows us to discuss ideas, to uncover new areas of thought and to express. But it also can be a shackle and chains. In the same way it can open the door to reason, it can close the gap to wonder and to feeling. Through description, we liken, compare or contrast experiences to those...
We create directionality within a lot of what we do: Our days, our work, our projects. From here, at point A, I want to get to point B. And, this is my desired time frame. Directionality is needed to create change. And, part of this is “focus.” Minimising distractions. But what happens if we bring...
When you start spearfishing, it’s usually pretty hard to get your first meal. For sure, you need to learn to use the breath holds, become familiar with the gear and the environment. But there is something else. Fish, like most other animals (including humans), have an acute neuroception – their ability to observe and assess...
We can define our own “power spots.” Stags and sea birds seem to do this well when they bask in the sun along the water. My dog Luna certainly knows where her power spots are also. Sometimes they are in the sun, sometimes shaded. Animals regularly have a particular affinity for certain exact locations. Defining...
In strength training, when we apply a stimulus and allow for recovery, we see it “working,” – we know this because we get stronger and either the weight goes up, or the perceived effort drops. As we learn to drive when we get our licence, we know it’s “working” when not only do we seem...
“I’m waiting for my intuition.” “I like to wait and listen to my gut.” If you are spending the average time of almost two hours on social media each day, and almost six hours online, then you might be waiting a long time. While intuition, an “inner knowing” – something separate from the mind, may...
Bathophobia is the fear of deep water. It stems from the greek work bathios, which means deep or depth. With its cousin, acrophobia, or the fear of heights, there is a logical reasoning – we are higher, so there is more gravitational potential energy. We literally have more potential to fall. With bathophobia though, there...
In Physics, the Observer effect is the theory that by simply observing a situation, we change the situation itself. When we talk about breath work, we have two options – we can be “active” in the practice – we can change the breathing, or, We can be “passive” in the practice – we can simply...
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