
We “work well” with recognised patterns. Linearity – change the input and see an expected output. Familiar faces, places and behaviours and habits – we can relax, go into auto pilot. It allows “efficiency.” Chaos, is disruption. The cyclone that hits our everyday environment and causes us to stop. To really look. “Chaos should be...
When you stop, do you maintaining the continuity of doing? Of everyday events? A set method and procedure? To cultivate inner silence, or to just witness as the observer, is to introduce an element that doesn’t belong in the planned whole. No procedures, no methods, no steps. It’s an interruption in the societal flow, to...
Think of the energy that we save, When we allow ourselves to be “bad” at something when we begin, When we lean into action now, not later, When we reach out to connect or contribute first, without expectation That increased energy that we save by cultivating the habit of simply moving through these things with...
Just do these three things. All you have to do is fill in your details, apply it to your situation and voila. Of course, this doesn’t work, for three reasons: It doesn’t help us overcome our fear that we have of doing it wrong, of failing, of being critisized and of doing the work each...
A while ago I wrote about “The power of Daily.” I then wrote about the cricketer who replayed the basics, “hitting 100 balls each day.” When we look at someone who has a daily practice, we can easily throw it into the vast chasm of “habits” and say it’s then easier in some way and...
Yesterday we landed on the island we are now spending a couple months after a 40 minute flight on a little island-hopper plane. There were 11 people on the flight, mostly in their 50’s and 60’s. The local airlines fly several times per day. It’s a fairly straight-forward exercise. When we landed, a young guy...
When we come to a new class, start a new program, or even say Yes to something outside of our realm of what’s ordinary, we notice it. It might be hesitation, a sudden feeling of tiredness, a deep desire to do more and more “research” or reading, to get more information, or a running a...
“Sound meditation” – almost a bombardment of sound waves onto the body. The water molecules in the body itself actually vibrate or resonate with different frequencies. This, can be healing. It is a rich experience. Listening meditation is quite different. It is the receptive form. The passive form. In a world that is dominated by...
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