
In 2003, when I started at University, the secret weapon was still consumption. “Online” bandwidth was limited and slow, so it was a valuable commodity – the bottleneck that we all lined up behind to “develop” ourselves intellectually and even culturally (movies, music). Now, the pendulum has swung. Bandwidth and information is in abundance. Overwhelm....
To keep studying how to unravel the knots beyond a point doesn’t help. Researching how to unravel a different knot can just fill the mind with more information – another knot! We can notice the breathing and let the knots exist. Feel their full tension, their full grip on the entire being. Patiently. Letting go...
That buzz from the meditation retreat That glow from the yoga class Is it what you are doing in these restorative endeavours? Or, is it what you are not doing? If the fact that we have taken away distractions, TV, social media, meetings and traffic could contribute even 10% of the impact these types of...
Love yourself and watch — today, tomorrow, always. – Gautama Buddha Self love is often either ignored completely, or spoken about in round-about terms when suitable, then seemingly forgotten. For some, the wording might be difficult, so perhaps self-acceptance or compassion may better, although ultimately these have different meanings. However, to be in meditation, in...
A lot of times when we are introduced to a new area – conscious breathing, meditation, movement, starting a business.. It is common to look straight towards the “advanced techniques.” Of course, this is usually fuelled by comparison (how are we going compared to the person next door – or self comparison, I’m good at...
The one strategy can only be awareness. To see a little more clearly. Maybe it’s our actions, our thoughts or our relationships. To pause, to use the breath as our friend, to come back to what’s happening and sometimes to ask for help or advice. As we do this together, our sense of connection grows....
To be in meditation is to be at peace and in connection with the entire universe. When we are considering, thinking, introspecting, we are not in meditation.  We might be sitting there, but still the mind is divided. So, it turns out that often we can use movement, training, dynamic meditation, walking, gardening, or other...
Mostly we get confused. We were tricked early on into a funny sort of over-arching model. It works in a clunky fashion, but it’s still a trick. Realising this is the first thing. The questioning of this “society,” or the culture, which is telling you who you have to be, or who you are supposed...
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