
*I am heading away tomorrow into a retreat. I don’t write during these times. So, my next post will be on Monday October 29th”* In art, when we learn to draw, sometimes we are taught to look at the “negative spaces,” the spaces around the object. What do we have when we take “form” away?...
The subconscious mind is observant. We don’t notice everything consciously, but we are imprinted at a deeper level almost continuously. This is essential as a survival mechanism as the subconscious mind continuously perceives and evaluates our surroundings (“neuroception”). What’s happening today though is an over-abundance of information inputs. Inputs which are incongruent with seasonal and...
Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames. – Rumi Deciding the first stage – the main context of how you want to live, how you want to feel is big, hard and non-obvious, but potentially most important step. When we try to create a cultural shift, or consciously choose our context...
When you try the experience once, there’s an initial impression. But, it might take 100 or 200 practices before you feel the deeper layers of it. The bit that everyone talks about. A lot of people try something once, but usually, we need to commit to more of a trial “period” and, if it’s a...
Love runs outward from the centre.As I heard from Mr. Paul Chek once, this is the  I > WE > ALL concept. So, the first the choice is to create CONSCIOUS Self love. This is the seed for shift to the higher energy and outer layers. Yet mostly this remains an intellectual “idea,” instead of...
The beauty of having a system, a scientific approach or a method to your task is that it teaches us about our own emotional landscape. Whether it’s training, sales, marketing, or developing your relationships, having a structure in place can help remove some of the emotional resistance that can come into play (and stop our...
This isn’t an actual defined bias or true cognitive effect. It’s one that I made up. Understanding that at any one time our involvement with our social circles, our jobs, our friends is influencing our decisions, our fears and our actions can be powerful. Through spending time alone (“Dr. Quiet”), going on retreats, or shutting...
There is the masculine energy – the giving, the speaking, the growth, the expansion, the doing. Then there is the feminine energy – the receiving, the rest, the listening, the contraction. Often, when we thing of creating something new – an idea, learning a movement, a business, we envisage whiteboards, brain-storming, researching, writing programs, practicing…...
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