
There are gyms, personal trainers and gym owners, and then there are guys like Vik. Vik and his wife Sarah own and run an amazing gym in Sydney’s Northern Suburbs.  We were fortunate to spend some time with them recently on our second unplugged Expedition Retreat. The energy they brought was amazing.  Vik is not only...
The conversations we have. The comments, debates, discussions. typically, we are amongst friends, colleagues, or people we seek out. We rarely find ourselves next to the opposite. Or even next to the someone in the middle, or on neutral ground. Language is the left hemisphere – the logical mind. We need to understand that often...
Like anything, we can look at the breath in a lot of different contexts. From a physiological perspective, in our training, in our sleep, in meditation, from a developmental perspective, a mental/emotional perspective..  It seems never ending. Where do we start? How about simply with awareness. With watching? For me, it was when I was...
The body, the mind, the spirit. Each with an increasing level of awareness, connectivity and direction. The body follows the mind, which is tricky, as it occasionally gets confused. Spirit seems to sit in the background overseeing things, waiting for us to listen or look a little closer figure it out. Sometimes there is conflict....
Today I have a video for you. I created this yesterday when I was out walking Luna and getting the evening light. In this 6 minute clip, I talk through the context of the unplugged retreats, how they came to be and I’m also offering up 5 spots for a one-on-one call with anyone interested...
The one day retreat.  At home, or away. Self led, or guided. Some meditation, or just quiet. Once per month: no phones, no computers, no hard training, no shopping centres, no city driving. These are a great way to round off the end of a month. Not because we want to “reflect,” “improve” or “self-develop,” but...
The default mode network is active during daydreaming, thinking about others, the past, the future and more. Many describe it as the part of the brain that gives us the sense of “self.” The DMN has also been shown to be negatively correlated with other networks in the brain such as attention networks. It has been...
With exercise, we never prescribe exactly the same stimulus (exercise, sets, reps and weight) for an entire group of people. There is always some level of adjustment. So why would we do it with the breath? This leads to one significant problem that can sometime arise when working with others using the breath – either for...
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