
G.I. Gurdjieff was a philosopher and mystic. He believed that most of us were destined to become “beautiful machines.” That our behaviours were automatic most of the time. When a desciple came to him, if they were a vegitarian, he would force them to eat meat, for example. If a meat-eater came to join him, he...
Carlos Castenada writes that according to the sorcerer don Juan, to live impeccably, means to live through function, rather than goals or ideals, to try your absolute hardest, and then try a little more. In Suzuki’s Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, he states: “When you bow, you should just bow; when you sit, you should just sit; when...
Today, the distraction potential of phones, computers, social media, addictive food etc is phenomenal. Once we see this, we realise that sometimes to get the outcome we want, we need to create an environmental intervention. If we need focus, we use tools to eliminate distraction. If we are trying to change the way we eat,...
“So, how do I “lose weight” If I shouldn’t do fasting, keto, or low-carb?… Plus you say don’t do endurance sports or HIIT.. What do I do?” Great questions.  The first thing to consider is that we must come from abundance. We know that our muscle mass, when at rest, prefers fat for fuel. We...
Just one note on our second big event for the year. I recently confirmed that I’ll be running a second unplugged Meditation and Movement retreat in 2018.  We’ll be heading away at the start of August, for 5 days of practice, exploration and immersive learning. These retreats are unique and I’m excited to go deeper...
“Breathe Deeply.”  “Take a deep breath.” We hear this all the time. Well, from my perspective we generally are being led in the wrong direction. Note, I’m not a doctor, I simply look at what I see, experience and the physics/biology of this as it appears to me. The instruction to “breathe deeply” seems valid...
Attention is not concentration. J. Krishnamurti spoke of this at some length. In his model, concentration creates a divide. It is focused and creates a barrier between the “concentrator” and the environment or surroundings. It is a “pushing away” of the rest of existence. When we concentrate on just one thing, we cannot take in...
My focus is on the opposites – the down-regulation, awareness, breath awareness, meditation.  BUT, this is in the sense of restoring balance in an out-of-balanced society. When this is understood and is adopted into a lifestyle, then my focus is on the effort. The strength, the power, the speed, the catharsis. While I discuss the yin,...
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