
There’s this funny idea in a lot of the exercise/training industry that we can always improve. Your trainer or coach might have talked about this. Ideas such as “1% better each day,” “compounding improvements” etc etc. If we’re honest, if you are in a build phase of a new project or business, you, or someone...
There is of course an infinite number of pursuits we could choose here. In each of these though, in particular if we begin as an adult, we find a common thread – these are vehicles for intense learning. In particular, we find progress is impossible without continually stumbling into four big pillars: Consistent, intentional effort...
This morning I was a test subject for an upcoming Parkour Workshop that my friend Shaun Wood is running. We spent two hours going through some different methods for jumping, rolling, balancing and clearing objects. In one section, we were “precision jumping” from one object to another, maybe 2.5m apart. This means you jump and...
“Training age” is a term that relates to how long someone has been training in a particular sport or modality for. It could be weightlifting, endurance sports, boxing… Essentially, no matter how hard or fast you come in at your training later in life, it’s no match for training age – simply the years accumulated...
In olympic lifting we often coach different “positions.” We “break the movement down.” This can be helpful to take something complex and make it seem digestible. Like a step-by-step guide. Ultimately though, the snatch and clean and jerk are movements of fluidity and power. There is no segmentation and ultimately there can be no hesitation....
Kenyan marathon runners are amongst the best in the world. They are also known to have less “vertical oscillation” than other runners. This means that with all things remaining equal (fitness, mass, terrain), these top runners are lazier. They do less work vertically against gravity and use this energy to travel forward. They are throwing...
Parkour is the act of overcoming physical problems. Moving from A to B, unassisted, in often a complex urban environment, with dexterity, with speed. When these are blended together, it is a dance with fear, with awareness, with strategy and with patience and practice. But it is your own dance, with your body, at your...
Yes an injury can help you raise awareness, it can be a tool for learning. But no, injuries are not really a big enough “part of training” that they should be considered a “part of training.” If you, your coach, your trainer, your physiotherapist or anyone helping guide you in your physical movement journey is...
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