
Which one do you want to create? Either is fine. If you prefer to use your movement or your training to create a level of strength, mobility, coordination and awareness that supports you on your journey on earth, an asset, then the type of work you do might look quite different. This is long game....
Well the word “training” itself already filters us a little bit. We know the question is for people who do things like “train.” Maybe it’s also “exercise,” also “movement” etc, but there’s a “training” or “practice” element to it. A direction. So, sure we get stronger, better at riding a bicycle or more flexible, but...
How did the bulk of the exercise industry get here? Well, the calorie stripping, meal replacement and high intensity exercise combo is actually a fairly new thing. As the food supply chain and general activity levels decreased, and stress levels increased through environmental and lifestyle factors (and said food supply chain) we started to get...
Tension before Growth The tension before the growth can be difficult When we turn up at a new job, a new town, or hit a plateau in our work or our exercise. When we go through a rough patch in a relationship or in our business Sometimes if we push a little too much, it...
The end result, wrapped nicely in a box, please. Your profitable business, your new clients, your new movement… 8 weeks, 12 weeks etc to a specific result. A cheat sheet or downloadable. So, understandably, we let our attention go wherever it may, usually wherever the route seems the shortest. Interestingly though, the longer routes are...
Intensity is the power transferred in a certain amount of area, space or activity. Power has a time element. It is the rate at which work is done. In physics or mechanics, a higher level of intensity can create more impact in a certain amount of time. This makes sense. In movement, relationships, connection, contribution...
Kelly Slater, 11 time world champion surfing legend, was recently on a podcast with Joe Rogan (found here). He is the oldest pro surfer on the tour (ever), now at 46 years old. “No-one’s ever been my age on tour.” The next oldest is 38 (and is retiring) I often state to friends that I...
Post 309. After a short time away and offline in the Blue Mountains, writing continues. 11 days have been missed during silent retreats so far. More will be missed in the future. Sometimes, for whatever reason, this happens. We miss. We miss a day of our new habit – making it to the gym, prepping...
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