
Personal – null
I needed to send out a bunch of packages, so I headed into a boutique paper store not far from here. I walked in, and started looking around as if I knew what I was doing. A tiny shop. Loaded with stuff, in an organised way. Small diaries, handmade cards, different ribbons, nice planners. Realising...
Where my parents live in NZ, there’s a park with a few trailer-boats lined up. When their owners go fishing, they just hook up the boat and head down the boat ramp. Mostly mid-90’s boats, a bit of fading paint. Yellow awning on one… And then there’s the boat plane. This is a small boat...
Content creation, or more specifically, the wide-open sea that is social media, can be a huge time suck. Kinda like email, but with a never-ending-sparkling-dopamine-rollercoaster added in. Business, some real friends, “friends,” family, “followers,” events, debates. It’s like going snorkelling in the middle of the bottomless ocean – how deep do you want to dive?...
Between where you are, and where you thought you’d be right now. Not worse, not better, just different. A lateral gap, not a vertical. We can look at it in two ways – one is we fell short, we didn’t have the strength, or, we lacked certain attributes. The other way to look at it...
Sometimes we’d hang out with a motley-little-crew of other boats. We’d dot our way along the islands, and see the same snail-like double-ender with fading varnish on the teak deck turn up in the anchorage, or hear Serendipity II check in on the radio when we were at sea, ranting us about the bad weather...
This morning I had a 6:05am flight from Melbourne to Newcastle. I was staying in Belgrave, about an hour away from the airport. So I wake up to my alarm at 3:45, jump in the rental car, and arrive at the off-site car rental depot at 5:00. Perfect timing, we are about a 6 minute...