
In 1950, you might have enjoyed cycling, or tennis, or walking. Each activity had it’s own approach associated with it, which had been developed over time. It would (and still does) take years to become proficient in the sport or activity. The “active lifestyle” was still present for many and only 20-40 years prior, it...
Well the word “training” itself already filters us a little bit. We know the question is for people who do things like “train.” Maybe it’s also “exercise,” also “movement” etc, but there’s a “training” or “practice” element to it. A direction. So, sure we get stronger, better at riding a bicycle or more flexible, but...
How did the bulk of the exercise industry get here? Well, the calorie stripping, meal replacement and high intensity exercise combo is actually a fairly new thing. As the food supply chain and general activity levels decreased, and stress levels increased through environmental and lifestyle factors (and said food supply chain) we started to get...
Tension before Growth The tension before the growth can be difficult When we turn up at a new job, a new town, or hit a plateau in our work or our exercise. When we go through a rough patch in a relationship or in our business Sometimes if we push a little too much, it...
Kelly Slater, 11 time world champion surfing legend, was recently on a podcast with Joe Rogan (found here). He is the oldest pro surfer on the tour (ever), now at 46 years old. “No-one’s ever been my age on tour.” The next oldest is 38 (and is retiring) I often state to friends that I...
Task based approaches have us working on a specific task until it’s done. This could be a set of handstands, writing, programming, finishing a report. This includes strategies such as lists. Time based approaches have us working for a specific amount of time. This includes strategies such as the pomodoro method. With task based, our...
One of the most potent ways to develop your movement or training journey is to have a year round practice. To show up each and every week and continue to work and practice your craft of moving with more ease and efficiency. It’s easy to get attached to a once-off event, an 8 week program...
When you try the experience once, there’s an initial impression. But, it might take 100 or 200 practices before you feel the deeper layers of it. The bit that everyone talks about. A lot of people try something once, but usually, we need to commit to more of a trial “period” and, if it’s a...
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