
In the gym world, you hear a lot of people talk about “chasing” a movement or a certain quality. In endurance sports, it’s a certain time on their marathon. “Allowing” is the counter. It is like the relaxing into the “subtle breath” versus the effort of the forced exhalation. Allowing vs. Chasing: both similar in...
At any one time, the pace of a marathon runner is pedestrian relative to the most average sprinter. If you are looking to go far in your endeavour – let’s say health and fitness, or sport in general – then in reality, the pace is kind of slow. At any one time, things might look...
There is one main reason people get into exercise, movement, training – whatever.. That is to change. To lose weight, to get stronger, leaner, faster. The motivational drive. Typically it is a move away from fear engagement. That’s awesome – it is completely valid and a great way to start the journey. At some point...
The body is constantly creating and modifying structure through information and energy. The mind is also constantly updating and modifying behavioural patterns. Again, through information and energy. The information is the context of the environment, and our state. We move the “energy” through movement, breath and thought, or “intent.” The type of state we are...
The launch, the take-off. When we start off and hit the ground running, but just a little too much of a sprint. The crash and burn happens on any number of time-frames. It typically gets us when we are pretty good at what we do, from an early point. When our progress is accelerated in...
We are bombarded with images of people levitating. People doing amazing achievements: marathon running, big wave surfing, handstands, starting amazing businesses, trekking for hundreds of miles. So we too set off on the journey. We buy a surfboard, enter the race. The human body and mind is capable of supernatural feats. Of rising above gravity....
There are numerous benefits to training with resistance, or increasing lean muscle mass through strength training. Lean muscle mass is in itself metabolic and passively burns body fat. However, there are a few guidelines to work with to ensure that the stress or “load” of the training is managable and that the results are long...
To change the mind requires awareness. It is more difficult (because it is more confused), but it can be non-linear. It can be instantaneous. To change the body is more simple, as the body is just the follower. However, the body takes its time, it is mechanical. In 2009 I raced at the Hawaii Ironman...
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