
As we progress forward technologically, we have dropped many of our rhythms. Our seasonal rhythm was down-graded when air conditioning became popular from the early 1950’s. Our daily (circadian) rhythm was down-graded when commerce went global and the internet connected us all together. Over the past 100 years, our default mode has been to lose a...
I gave a talk yesterday and a common question at the end was: “I simply don’t have the time for what you are saying.” Here’s the thing.  The discussion is in three areas: 1) How we utilise what gaps we do have. We all have spaces in our day/week/month. Some just fill them differently. What...
If you exercise hard all month, but have no recovery and down-regulation strategy in place, did the training happen? Well, of course it “did,” the time was “spent” and the work was done, but what about the important part – is there a result? Is there the “super-compensation,” or the improvement*? Many like to blame...
My focus is on the opposites – the down-regulation, awareness, breath awareness, meditation.  BUT, this is in the sense of restoring balance in an out-of-balanced society. When this is understood and is adopted into a lifestyle, then my focus is on the effort. The strength, the power, the speed, the catharsis. While I discuss the yin,...
Doug Hepburn was one of the strongest people around before the anabolic steroid wave hit the strength training world. He was born in 1926 and held records in various presses (including a 500lb bench press). He also had an extremely simple approach to training and was a strong believer in recovery principles to get results....
When I was racing in the Ironman triathlons, I lived in the beautiful area around Manly Beach, on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. While there definitely is a Winter, it is hardly unbearable. While there was usually a “key” race at some part of the year, there was nothing stopping us from training and racing year round....
The right amount is better. A lot of gyms, coaches, personal trainers will really look to make it clear to the client that they did a work-out. Lying on the floor drained after a session, intense muscle soreness for days. This stuff makes it clear to the client that the trainer “did” something. They got...
The day, the night. The Summer, the Winter.  The work, the rest. We focus on the work, the set, the rep. This makes sense, as it’s where the stimulus comes from. Where our work gets done. In between though, we have the rest. If the quality, intensity and focus of the work requires a particular...
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