
My main message is on the Opposite. The down-regulation. Why? Because I think we are all pre-conditioned to figure out the “work” side of it, and when the system is restored into balance, then some solid training can come easily. But, there is also a strategy for training, to actually get the results, quickly Here...
Where are you failing to connect powerfully? What is wrong with how you are training? Is your current approach to nutrition serving you? What is missing from your restorative practice? Your strength work? Your mobility work? Finding gaps in such high level areas that we often ignore or take for granted provides a huge reward....
To build strength, mobility, balance or resilience requires effort. It requires dedicated hours, week after week. Once we go through this initial process though, we have an imprint. The body holds the information. If we pause for a break, of course we lose our edge, but the deeper pathways have been created and will remain....
When we start out on a health/training/(business), things are difficult. Habits are not formed, so there’s a huge amount of conscious effort involved just to turn up. It can be exciting, but it’s exhausting. Then, if we stick at it, we make some early progress. On a percentage basis, this early progress is usually pretty...
We have only so much energetic capital to expend at any one time.  We only have so many resources: sleep, food, hours in the day. When people come in to train in the gym to start out, nine times out of ten, they say: “I want to get fitter, stronger, lose weight …and learn to...
The one arm chin-up is almost a little bit over the top.  It’s a movement that, if you choose to pursue, and take the time, will give you ample pulling strength for pretty much any other movement. Climbing, rope climbs, pullups.. these all become pretty straightforward once the one-arm chin is available. Anyway, a lot...
The chef brings creativity to their cooking. They create recipes. When I cook, I generally follow, or stick to recipes. I could try to create, but my knowledge of base level things such as matching ingredients, flavours or cooking methods is limited. To really make it worthwhile – to be able to improvise, would require...
The type of training we do has movement “complexity” relatively high.  This means that we are challenged with new patterns or skill sets quite often. The person who doesn’t like failing, doesn’t like “not being good” at something finds this uncomfortable. However, this tension is where growth lies. So, we have a choice: We can...
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