
Trying the same meal at a Japanese restaurant every night for 2 weeks straight is likely more than enough to decide if it’s right for you. For almost everything else though, we need longer. If you are looking to give a new habit, job, training routine or process “a spin” for a month or so,...
This is a difficult topic to articulate, as we are dealing with terminology that can mean different things for different people. Either way, “Movement” as a sub-culture has certainly grown. There are now facilities that focus specifically on this broad approach to training or “practicing” and some of them are completely outside of the “fitness”...
“Training age” is a term that relates to how long someone has been training in a particular sport or modality for. It could be weightlifting, endurance sports, boxing… Essentially, no matter how hard or fast you come in at your training later in life, it’s no match for training age – simply the years accumulated...
Yes an injury can help you raise awareness, it can be a tool for learning. But no, injuries are not really a big enough “part of training” that they should be considered a “part of training.” If you, your coach, your trainer, your physiotherapist or anyone helping guide you in your physical movement journey is...
Don’t prepare. Begin. Our enemy is not lack of preparation. The enemy is resistance, our chattering brain producing excuses. Start before you are ready. – Steven Pressfield The roll into the New Year has come. In fact, the roll into the New Year is already gone. Have you begun? Or are you still preparing?
After going fairly deep with high volume endurance sports for a couple of years there, experiencing the life of the “elite athlete” first hand, then doing a few years of research, I don’t recommend doing this type of training due to the negative health effects (a complete blog post or book in itself.) For me,...
Which one do you want to create? Either is fine. If you prefer to use your movement or your training to create a level of strength, mobility, coordination and awareness that supports you on your journey on earth, an asset, then the type of work you do might look quite different. This is long game....
When I was doing a lot of endurance sports and triathlons, I started to notice something with the runners. People would run fast down the hill, run fast up the hill, or try to run the fastest on the “nice flat” sections. When we start to look at running efficiency as a maintenance of sound...
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