
So what sort of power are you averaging? What are you holding when you’re just tapping out tempo? “It’s around 310 watts (a measure of bike power output) for a period of over four hours – or whatever it was, four hours 12 minutes.* This was Cameron Wurf talking to an interviewer about his effort...
There are numerous benefits to training with resistance, or increasing lean muscle mass through strength training. Lean muscle mass is in itself metabolic and passively burns body fat. However, there are a few guidelines to work with to ensure that the stress or “load” of the training is managable and that the results are long...
To change the mind requires awareness. It is more difficult (because it is more confused), but it can be non-linear. It can be instantaneous. To change the body is more simple, as the body is just the follower. However, the body takes its time, it is mechanical. In 2009 I raced at the Hawaii Ironman...
I can’t do that! I’m not ready for that! Sure, often that’s the case. We need our progressions, we need to develop the foundations. However, sometimes, we need to bridge that gap. There WILL be a time when the thought still exists, but you move through it. What would happen if we could see through...
As we progress forward technologically, we have dropped many of our rhythms. Our seasonal rhythm was down-graded when air conditioning became popular from the early 1950’s. Our daily (circadian) rhythm was down-graded when commerce went global and the internet connected us all together. Over the past 100 years, our default mode has been to lose a...
Today I have a video for you. I created this yesterday when I was out walking Luna and getting the evening light. In this 6 minute clip, I talk through the context of the unplugged retreats, how they came to be and I’m also offering up 5 spots for a one-on-one call with anyone interested...
There are two characteristics that are key to getting results in your training or movement practice, or even in other practices. Even if you start very late in life, these shift you ahead of the curve quickly. The first is intent. The second is awareness. When we have intent, for our session, for a lift...
As we progressed in the technological revolution, as websites, screens, marketing and phones have become louder and brighter, with more alerts, we’ve largely gone along for the ride in other areas as well, including training. “High intensity” has not just been the theme of how many have exercised over the last decade, but how they’ve lived...
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