
We just finished up our second unplugged meditation and movement retreat. It was an absolute success. I am fairly convinced there is no other event like this that is happening, and I also believe that I have as much or more fun than anyone else on the retreat. I really get a lot out of...
When we look at things like longevity, wellbeing, quality of life, certain attributes clearly stand out as helpful. This has been studied. For example, Tufts University has shown that lean muscle mass is a fairly strong predictor of longevity. Here are a few other training or lifestyle factors that make a lot of sense (both anecdotally and...
After working with hundreds of individuals, you start to see some patterns that work to get results. While it seems like there are a huge number of factors that come into play, really, we can boil it down to just a couple things. Well, even one thing, with a couple of supporting attributes that really,...
When we start down any new journey, we find a trend that “seems” right. Our conditioning veers us in a certain direction, whether it’s with diet, our training or otherwise. We are naturally drawn into a particular way of thinking, a particular leader or guru and, a particular dogma. The hard part is to stand...
Where are you failing to connect powerfully? What is wrong with how you are training? Is your current approach to nutrition serving you? What is missing from your restorative practice? Your strength work? Your mobility work? Finding gaps in such high level areas that we often ignore or take for granted provides a huge reward....
In training, health, fitness, movement, we want to get from where we are, to where we want to be. Usually, we have a time frame associated with this. It could be consciously and announced (like a goal), unspoken, or even subconscious. It’s not that we set the timeframes too long or too short, it’s often having...
To build strength, mobility, balance or resilience requires effort. It requires dedicated hours, week after week. Once we go through this initial process though, we have an imprint. The body holds the information. If we pause for a break, of course we lose our edge, but the deeper pathways have been created and will remain....
When we start out on a health/training/(business), things are difficult. Habits are not formed, so there’s a huge amount of conscious effort involved just to turn up. It can be exciting, but it’s exhausting. Then, if we stick at it, we make some early progress. On a percentage basis, this early progress is usually pretty...
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