
Yesterday I coached a class of over 30 people, a lot of them new faces. The main challenge when we work with a lot of people who haven’t trained with us before is communicating the value of movement quality. This can be explained, demonstrated, pointed out. But ultimately, depending on where we’ve come from previously, a...
We have only so much energetic capital to expend at any one time.  We only have so many resources: sleep, food, hours in the day. When people come in to train in the gym to start out, nine times out of ten, they say: “I want to get fitter, stronger, lose weight …and learn to...
Our energy building practices: sleep, food, meditation, restorative movement etc, need to outweigh our energy depleting practices: training, work, mental-emotional stress. If they don’t, we become depleted, unwell, injured or sick. The interesting part of it though is the “band” in which these can sit. The energy building practices have only small tolerances – not...
Often we move, eat, train, live, work… according to a method The methods are handed down to us, from our peers, from social media, from the books, from the course lecturer Of course, we get to take advantage of this previous work. Of existing knowledge. BUT, eventually you will find yourself at a crossroads. At a...
In our work, there’s a lot of emphasis around the ability to say “no.” It is a powerful skill, that allows us to focus on our task at hand, specialise, excel in our field and can protect us in a way. With movement of the body, it’s kind of the opposite. Rather than narrow the...
The one arm chin-up is almost a little bit over the top.  It’s a movement that, if you choose to pursue, and take the time, will give you ample pulling strength for pretty much any other movement. Climbing, rope climbs, pullups.. these all become pretty straightforward once the one-arm chin is available. Anyway, a lot...
In marketing there’s a concept of “meeting them where they’re at.” I’m no marketing expert, but as I understand it, it’s making sure you use the language, imagery and concepts that are directly relevant today to the market niche. Resonate with where their conscious mind is at. In training, there is a similar thing going...
When we seek change and take action, anticipation can run hot. In fitness or health, it’s 8 week challenges, weight-loss targets, foot to the floor. The sprint can be fun, fast paced, and effective – but only over that sprint. Also, like a sprint, you don’t get far. For long term results, the challenge becomes...
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