
Injuries are an ever-present “risk” or part of “doing” anything and also a potential risk even if we choose to sit on the couch. Between 1999 and 2013, there was a study on cases seen by Victorian (Australia) emergency departments that included injuries caused by or at “fitness” institutions. Overall, 2,873 cases (injuries) were identified...
When we come to a new class, start a new program, or even say Yes to something outside of our realm of what’s ordinary, we notice it. It might be hesitation, a sudden feeling of tiredness, a deep desire to do more and more “research” or reading, to get more information, or a running a...
As we move, we start to cultivate carbon dioxide (carbonic acid) in the body. One of two things will happen – we either need to switch to mouth breathing as we look to “expel” the elevated carbon dioxide, or, we slow down the movement. The CO2 “dump” is when we are mostly nasal breathing in...
In 1950, you might have enjoyed cycling, or tennis, or walking. Each activity had it’s own approach associated with it, which had been developed over time. It would (and still does) take years to become proficient in the sport or activity. The “active lifestyle” was still present for many and only 20-40 years prior, it...
Increase awareness Cultivate emotional intelligence Take consistent action Forward focused, repeatable, simple… but not easy. To do it, we all use help. In the first step we use others – conversation, a coach, a mentor. We zoom out. In the second step we use tools – repeatable processes. Notice the nature of our thoughts, and...
Well the word “training” itself already filters us a little bit. We know the question is for people who do things like “train.” Maybe it’s also “exercise,” also “movement” etc, but there’s a “training” or “practice” element to it. A direction. So, sure we get stronger, better at riding a bicycle or more flexible, but...
How did the bulk of the exercise industry get here? Well, the calorie stripping, meal replacement and high intensity exercise combo is actually a fairly new thing. As the food supply chain and general activity levels decreased, and stress levels increased through environmental and lifestyle factors (and said food supply chain) we started to get...
Tension before Growth The tension before the growth can be difficult When we turn up at a new job, a new town, or hit a plateau in our work or our exercise. When we go through a rough patch in a relationship or in our business Sometimes if we push a little too much, it...
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