
Before a big race or event, it’s been shown that a small amount of anxiety or excitation can help with performance. It might give us a percent or two, but comes at a cost. When we ramp the nervous system up with increased adrenaline and cortisol (mobilising hormones), we then shift further into a flight...
The progression run is a type of training run. When I was getting ready for the Ironman races, and training endurance in general, there were three types of runs (mostly) that I would do: Long run, tempo run, intervals. The long run had a second variation – the “progression run.” This means that say for...
Intensity is the power transferred in a certain amount of area, space or activity. Power has a time element. It is the rate at which work is done. In physics or mechanics, a higher level of intensity can create more impact in a certain amount of time. This makes sense. In movement, relationships, connection, contribution...
When we are trying to create a shift, start a new practice, learn a skill, we need a starting point. We typically want to start with something that at least looks something like the end product. This is particularly true in the physical realm. If we want to learn a handstand, we might think that...
In the marathon, it’s not until about the 32km mark In the Ironman Triathlon, it’s again at the end of the bike or even half-way through the run. With the new business, it’s after dozens (or hundreds) of rejections, “no’s” or non-responses. Then we feel like we have maybe gotten somewhere. When we start the...
Yesterday I had the great pleasure of meeting and working with the crew at Hybrid Training in Hornsby. We worked through a Breath and Mind workshop*. In this one we went through some breath attention in a short movement practice, where we worked on using breath attention for pacing and also increased awareness of body...
When birds learn to fly, there is a point where they leave the nest. The risk is high. The reward is they survive the drop by flying. There have been a few times where I’ve been taught some skills in an unreasonably high risk way. When I first learned to paddle an ocean ski, which...
In the movement world, there are a huge number of different types of skillsets one could choose to pursue. Strength based movements, balance work, acrobatics, juggling. There is a concept called “maintenance mode.” In order to “achieve” the skill, often we need to “sprint” a little bit, which means we need to over-emphasise this skill...
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