
Partly because of the recency bias, when we overstep the line in one direction it seems that we tend to swing back quite far to the other. People like to indulge over Christmas, then apparently go as far as to eat nothing for a couple days per week. Or swing from one dietary end of...
Whether you have been at it for a decade, a year or a day, really each day is new and a chance to improve on our craft. All too often though, we are “working” towards a target or goal that we’ve set. Something that seems reasonable. What happens when it is unreasonable? Sure, there’s a...
What happens when we show up to do our work, our training/exercise or to contribute day after day, after day… Then we get tired? We get sick of it? There’s a short filter I apply, which sometimes means a pivot into something new, sometimes means buckle down and keep going: Wait. Do I need rest?...
For the general population, the physical training world is largely held back by a competitive conditioning: what numbers can I do, how much can I lose, what movement can I do… How does that fit with my peers, with the “model” of my belief system.. One of the trades here is that when we have...
Task based approaches have us working on a specific task until it’s done. This could be a set of handstands, writing, programming, finishing a report. This includes strategies such as lists. Time based approaches have us working for a specific amount of time. This includes strategies such as the pomodoro method. With task based, our...
One of the most potent ways to develop your movement or training journey is to have a year round practice. To show up each and every week and continue to work and practice your craft of moving with more ease and efficiency. It’s easy to get attached to a once-off event, an 8 week program...
We are bombarded with imagery of high level movements, acrobatics, weightlifting or other athletics. However, as any movement coach or corrective exercise coach will tell you, almost all of the work really today is on restoring a sound level of natural movement. This means helping people restore the ability to move through natural ranges needed...
Many times we feel we need to get “better” at a movement, or “stronger” or more “flexible.” Often we see a sense of urgency even. People are usually proud at how quickly they can get results. Yes, sometimes this is a good thing. But often, a more important question is “can I keep going?” In...
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