
In a way, “fitness” is really remaining relaxed physiologically, when under physical load or stress. What we “see” is a change in breathing. To not have any fitness means to have low physical load (absolute, not relative) and be tense physiologically. We see this as “moving slow, breathing fast.” To move fast and breathe slow...
When I was doing a lot of endurance racing (running/triathlon), I entered a race called the Woodford to Glenbrook trail race. It was 25km run along a fire trail in Sydney’s Blue Mountains. A pretty fast course. I think we were finishing it in under 1:40 I was in a pretty good position for this...
It turns out, that “grip strength” has a strong correlation for the ability to recruit strength in many other parts of the body. When we have a strong, closed grip, we have a circular effect outwards, including tension in our entire arm, shoulder and even trunk (try shaking someones hand with a maximal grip, but...
When you try the experience once, there’s an initial impression. But, it might take 100 or 200 practices before you feel the deeper layers of it. The bit that everyone talks about. A lot of people try something once, but usually, we need to commit to more of a trial “period” and, if it’s a...
What’s the main task at hand? If we are running an event, we need a venue. We need the food and music. But, we also need the people (sales). When we are on our “fitness” or health journey, maybe we are trying to build strength, or “enter” the marathon. We need the aerobic fitness, we...
There is a certain flow to a project. At the start, we are looking big picture: designs, intentions, directions, suppliers, resources, budgets. At the end, we are dialling it in: delivery, bringing it to market, possibly retailing. Our movement or health journey is no different. At the start, we have big picture: how we are...
When you watch a rower in a river, there is a posture of ease and grace. Even with a beginner. We see that same with a surfer, a skiier, a rock climber. We don’t see the same with most people on a rowing machine or a treadmill. Nature demands a level of awareness. A level...
Low volume training is the idea that we can apply a small stimulus and still send messaging to the physiology that it’s worth adapting to this little dose. There are a number of upsides: Hormonal optimisation/less stress. Training is stressful. If we can keep sessions short and punchy, it’s potentially easier to remain more anabolic...
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