
The three big areas where I see people fall down in their movement/training journey: 1. Sustainability (the work/practice is too intense) 2. Adaptability (the work/practice is OK, but the physiology isn’t set up to adapt due to other reasons. Total physiological load is too high, or resources (food) is too low) 3. Continuity (the consistency...
  Results, not tension. The one thing we can learn from endurance sports in my opinion is the importance of understanding/management of our state/tension and energy. To do well, we need efficient movement over a long period of time.  Sometimes, a very long period of time. Of course, efficiency and body management is key in...
In the gym world, you hear a lot of people talk about “chasing” a movement or a certain quality. In endurance sports, it’s a certain time on their marathon. “Allowing” is the counter. It is like the relaxing into the “subtle breath” versus the effort of the forced exhalation. Allowing vs. Chasing: both similar in...
In my last solo/silent retreat on Kangaroo Island, there was a monk there who had been on retreat for 3 years (so far!). This means he hadn’t spoken or really seen anyone over this time and his stay was dedicated to meditation and deepening his practice. After I finished my own retreat, I talked to...
It’s not secret that I love skill development. Handstands, ring work etc.. So, why so much interest in the breath? Between breath and our approach to how we eat, we have two very powerful tools to bridge from the conscious to subconscious mind. ANY skill, movement, strength element, project all are impacted by our skill to observe...
In my last Breath and Mind Workshop at Jungle Brothers, I talked about “neuroception” – how we can alter our sub-conscious “perception” of our environment and our actions. When I have worked or trained alongside professional athletes, the one word that I keep coming back to is “composure.”  The professional does the easy task impeccable...
In distance running, how we run makes a huge impact on total time. Our posture and mechanics are far more important than aerobic fitness or VO2 max. Of course, this is the story in a lot of sports/athletic pursuits, but with distance running we have so many repetitions that the difference can be astounding. Most...
At University, I studied Aerospace Engineering.  We learned all about flight dynamics, aircraft design, composites, fluid dynamics, structural repairs… However, the theory that we were taught is largely based on what’s called “Linear Dynamics” – these problems are fairly simple to solve. Basically, we were using an approximation of true reality in order to solve...
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