
A few days ago I wrote about the Solar Plexus chakra. In a gym environment, as a coach, I often witness the moments where people are breaking into a new level of strength, learning a new movement, or attempting to break some other plateau. ALMOST ALWAYS, they are more than capable of doing the movement...
Active movements are when we have intent behind each part of the movement. We actually control the entire sequence from our own intent, without using another arm to help a stretch, without using gravity to accelerate or load the movement and without using momentum as either assistance or as load. Often in exercise, there is...
To speak is to be yang. To dish out, give, to express. To listen is the opposite. The other side. To receive, to permit. While it might seem like a lot of conversation is simply two people waiting for a chance to express their own story, the same is true with the body. It is...
When training with gymnastics rings, I insist that the rings are exactly the same height. Many people get the rings “about” the right height and that’s OK. For me though, I feel the difference is huge. We send a message that the pattern we are practicing, or learning, is important. That we care. We can’t...
The “better” we get at something, the more watchful we need to be. Our belief system cements, we “dial in” our process. The potential to be side-swiped by completely new information or an approach that is far superior is smaller, but the repercussions if it does happen are greater. We have more emotional energy “invested”...
A main thing to be watchful of is the creation of conflict in the mind. When we are on a path, then we feel we “should” do something else, or “should” be doing it differently, instantly we have conflict. The conflicted mind is frustrated and unfortunately, there are plenty of opportunities to engage in this...
At any one time, the pace of a marathon runner is pedestrian relative to the most average sprinter. If you are looking to go far in your endeavour – let’s say health and fitness, or sport in general – then in reality, the pace is kind of slow. At any one time, things might look...
The body is constantly creating and modifying structure through information and energy. The mind is also constantly updating and modifying behavioural patterns. Again, through information and energy. The information is the context of the environment, and our state. We move the “energy” through movement, breath and thought, or “intent.” The type of state we are...
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