
Nobody has exceptional “talent” as we think about it. When we look across and see high performers, we often use a label like “talented” to describe them. However, using the word “talented” with others gets us off the hook. What we actually see, is someone who has done more work for longer. They are a...
These take us well beyond the “beginners curve,” right into elite levels. They usually won’t take us to “World Championship” level, as a single-pointed focus then becomes fairly key. 1. It’s not really “rapid.” On any given day, we need patience. Patience to hold back, to learn, to adapt, to remain alert. Yes it’s “rapid”...
If it feels right, that is worth a lot. We are governed by rules, regulations, societal norms, status quo’s. Most people have become so afraid of doing anything that could be outside of these lines, so afraid of drawing attention, that they do nothing. Even if it doesn’t feel right. This is a trap. To...
The launch, the take-off. When we start off and hit the ground running, but just a little too much of a sprint. The crash and burn happens on any number of time-frames. It typically gets us when we are pretty good at what we do, from an early point. When our progress is accelerated in...
There are gyms, personal trainers and gym owners, and then there are guys like Vik. Vik and his wife Sarah own and run an amazing gym in Sydney’s Northern Suburbs.  We were fortunate to spend some time with them recently on our second unplugged Expedition Retreat. The energy they brought was amazing.  Vik is not only...
The entropy, or disorder, of any system always increases when in isolation. Things fall apart. Chaos. To be in “balance” then is really a false idea To be in balance is really to be aware enough to be able to “respond” and then adjust. Usually, we react. But a set reaction won’t work, as each...
Recently we had a new sink unit put in at the gym. There were 5 or 6 tradesmen there to do the job. Most were watching while two worked. When they left, there were foot prints and dust everywhere. There had been a small effort to tidy up, but the clean up process after they finished...
We are bombarded with images of people levitating. People doing amazing achievements: marathon running, big wave surfing, handstands, starting amazing businesses, trekking for hundreds of miles. So we too set off on the journey. We buy a surfboard, enter the race. The human body and mind is capable of supernatural feats. Of rising above gravity....
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