This first picture is normal. That’s a local beach not far from here. In this second picture, I took the same one from above, but took the contrast right down. If you take the contrast down on an image, eventually, you won’t have any clarity at all. Reducing the contrast cuts out “information” in the...
When we get that great idea, there’s a driving force, and a resisting force. The driving force – you could call it your dream, your journey, the change you want to see… Then the resisting force could come from outside: the status quo, a boss, your parents, or, it could come from one of the...
One of the biggest issues that we have with a lot of authorities, “talking heads” or public figures is that we don’t trust them. In particular, we don’t trust their physiology. It’s not something we notice, or often talk about, but it makes a huge difference. When we perceive a stressed state from a salesperson,...
Buying a surfboard is a bit of an experience for someone starting out. You casually stroll into the shop, and pretend to be comfortable navigating the 500+ boards that all look pretty similar. The crisp, flawless boards are sitting on racks, so you’re trying to look at dimensions, sizes, and understand if you’re even in...
Recently I was listening to someone tell me about how they were using their phone. They expressed that they wanted to create a better boundary around how they used their phone particularly in the evening. The idea was that they would stop using the phone/devices around 8pm, rather than 10:30pm, so that they can wind...
Three questions that deserve a minute, an hour, or a day: What am I capable of in this moment?How can I use this in the most positive or constructive way?Are my current practices helping me increase my capacity to meet the possibility of the next moment? The question is, in the time that we give...
In a big chunk of the fitness industry, muscle soreness is a thing. It’s a bit of a status upgrade to have sore hamstrings, sore quads, maybe an aching upper back from that big workout. Coaches will even design workouts just to elicit this kind of thing. It can make them feel like it’s clear...
I’ve been really lucky to meet a lot of small biz owners, freelancers, and people carving out their own niche with small businesses. To point out the obvious, it’s been a rocky path in the last six months, and, the marathon continues. When it gets tough, a natural tendency for humans is to recoil. Our...