
A point of frustration. Should you stop? Should you quit? Particularly relevant in current times. The present self might say yes, and, often does. If you have a particular goal however, your future self doesn’t care how frustrated you are. In fact, it might even prefer the tension, because if you walk away – if...
I needed to send out a bunch of packages, so I headed into a boutique paper store not far from here. I walked in, and started looking around as if I knew what I was doing. A tiny shop. Loaded with stuff, in an organised way. Small diaries, handmade cards, different ribbons, nice planners. Realising...
I could see off in the distance two small figures bouncing up and down on the side of the road. I was driving toward the beach at the time, just before sunset. I got closer, I could see it was two teenagers dressed up in uniforms, and were holding big discount signs for a takeaway...
Really? When you order a coffee, which is “smaller:” The $3.00 you hand over, or, the pause, smile and-heart-felt-thank-you that you can choose to give the barista who was up at 4:30am for doors open at 6? The “small stuff” creates the moment. It creates the resonance. The “small stuff” creates the fabric of your...
Content creation, or more specifically, the wide-open sea that is social media, can be a huge time suck. Kinda like email, but with a never-ending-sparkling-dopamine-rollercoaster added in. Business, some real friends, “friends,” family, “followers,” events, debates. It’s like going snorkelling in the middle of the bottomless ocean – how deep do you want to dive?...
On Thursday my wife walks back in after a coffee date with her friend. She had that walk on that tells me she’s got something to say. “You’ll love this.” I look up, and wait for it. She knows I love stories of small biz and in particular cafés (if you’ve read my blogs, this...
Sometimes we’d hang out with a motley-little-crew of other boats. We’d dot our way along the islands, and see the same snail-like double-ender with fading varnish on the teak deck turn up in the anchorage, or hear Serendipity II check in on the radio when we were at sea, ranting us about the bad weather...
This morning I had a 6:05am flight from Melbourne to Newcastle. I was staying in Belgrave, about an hour away from the airport. So I wake up to my alarm at 3:45, jump in the rental car, and arrive at the off-site car rental depot at 5:00. Perfect timing, we are about a 6 minute...